Other than houses and our kitchen remodel, the most expensive thing I have purchased is my sessions with my trainer. It has also been one of the best things I have ever done for myself. I used to think I just needed discipline to exercise and get to the gym. I would berate myself for not doing enough…I know you find this hard to believe, but I would go to the gym and pat myself on the back and then not finish all the exercises and leave early! Then I would tell myself, “At least you got to the gym, and did part…that is more than most people do!” Exercise feels so good when finished, but getting there is like pulling teeth. I would look around the house and think, “I need to clean the spice cabinet!” Just to put off going to the gym!
During 2020, I had been paying each week for one meeting with the Kim, The Amazing Trainer. I shared a session with a friend so it was not too expensive. Some weeks the only time I made it to the gym was on the day I met with Kim. Then the pandemic hit and our gym closed down. The Ever Amazing Kim created an online program that had short videos of each exercise, an accountability piece and it was designed specifically for me! Twice a month we met for an hour FaceTime meeting where I would demo the exercises for her to critique my form. I was amazed when she would say things like, “Don’t curl your toes!” (I had shoes on!!). If I don’t check off my exercises for the day I may get a friendly reminder!… she stays on top of me and my efforts! Instead of once a week, I work out every day! I agonized over-spending this money. I rationalized that we weren’t spending money anywhere else because of COVID. Now I don’t even need to rationalize or make an excuse…it is worth every penny ``The things I have learned from this expensive purchase are: • There is wisdom in investing in my health • Working out or stretching every single day makes me feel really good • Accountability systems work, but paying a lot of money is a main motivator in doing my exercises…I want my money’s worth! • I also learned that I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT FITNESS. That was a big aha moment. Amazing Kim has shown me that her expertise is way more important than my paltry efforts at exercise. She “preaches” that our “insides” are all connected, fascia, muscles, etc. so we need to work out with acknowledgement of that fact. When my neck hurt, she had me working on my shoulders and upper back too. When I had plantar fasciitis, she had me working on hip exercises. So…my saving money by not using a trainer and trying to do my own program may have worked for me when I was younger, but as I age, I must admit that it helps to have a program planned by someone who knows what they are doing, having my form checked twice a month is critical to my success, and accountability seems to work for me. SO…now that the gym has reopened, I do my online program there, and Kim may meet with me in person once a month to check form or we do a couple of FaceTime sessions. MOTION IS LOTION! MOVEMENT IS MEDICINE! ( To quote Kim, The Amazing Trainer!). MARCY ROTH |